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AFUP AFUP Day 2025 Baromètre Planète PHP PUFA
Code de conduite


Code of conduct

French version / English version

AFUP is a French organization dedicated to collaboration and networking within the PHP community of developers.

We pay a special attention to the participation of all members of the PHP community. We want to provide a positive experience for all involved. With this in mind, we expect all attendees to show respect and civility towards all people, at any time, during our events, during events related to AFUP, as well as during digital exchanges.

All natural and legal persons involved in AFUP activities must comply with our code of conduct.

Short Version

Involvement in AFUP activities is expected to be an enjoyable and friendly experience, open to all, regardless of sex, gender, sexual orientation, disability, physical appearance, weight, origin or religion of the attendees. We do not tolerate any harassment or attack in any shape or form. It includes all communications between participants (AFUP members or not) whatever the place or the medium. Participants who violate these rules can be sanctioned, excluded from the event, or their membership could be canceled without reimbursement.

Contact in case of problems // +33 6 44 60 14 21
In case of an emergency (medical or not) : 112
Cabs : 3607

Complete version

Everyone involved in AFUP activities must ensure to maintain a climate of respect for others and behave in a civil manner. AFUP values entail the rejection of violence, discrimination.

Violence, discrimination, harassment include sexist, sexual, racist insults and expressions, physical and moral attacks, oral or written comments about sex, gender, sexual orientation, age, disability, physical appearance, weight, origin, religion.

These situations include displaying sexualized images in public places, deliberate intimidation, stalking, chasing, harrasing with the help of pictures or videos, a succession of interruptions during a talk or any event, inappropriate physical contact and unwanted sexual proposals. A recurrent behavior is an aggravating circumstance which will be accounted in the situation assessment.

Sponsors have to follow the rules of our code of conduct. Especially, they must not use sexualized pictures or objects. They must not engage in sexual activities. During our events, the team in charge of the booth must not use sexualized clothes, uniforms or costumes. It must not generate a sexualized environment. These rules involve communication materials as well.

Speakers, as public figures, are required to behave in an exemplary manner, during the event and beside our events as well. If facts come to the knowledge of the organization team, the team is allowed to withdraw the invitation sent to the speaker.

If you don’t feel safe, if you think someone is under attack, or more broadly in case of a problem, please contact immediately the AFUP team. During our national events, members of the staff are identifiable thanks to their personalized shirts and necklaces.

Our staff is here to help you and ensure your security, whatever the seriousness of the offense to the code of conduct. In general, feel free to contact the AFUP team as soon as possible but intervene only in case of an emergency.

Procedure for the organization team in the event of an incident

In the case of an infringement to this code of conduct, the AFUP team evaluates the situation and decides upon a course of action. This decision is taken in an impartial way, without taking into account a possible relationship between the various parties involved and the organization team.

During events, the decision could lead to measures going from a warning to contacting the security to take the offender out of the venue or to helping you to report the facts to the police.

The rest of the time, your security is important to us as well and similar measures will be taken to ensure your safety. All incidents are reported as soon as possible by the team members dealing with the problem to the AFUP board through the email address


A talk, a presentation or a similar event should not be interrupted for a minor offense to this code of conduct, nevertheless a member of the organization team has to discuss the matter with the speaker after the event. In the case of a repetitive event violating the code of conduct, the organization team has the duty to do everything within its power to quietly and politely stop the presentation. A simple sentence like “We are sorry but this presentation can’t keep on going in this present condition” is enough.


When someone reports an incident, it is wise to write the stated facts down. The victim has to be insured that the organization team believes her/him and takes her/him seriously, but without promises of measures that could be taken. If the person who faced the attack didn’t make the request, the organization team has to gather as much information as possible (such as when and where the incident took place), carefully, without restriction if she/he’s reluctant. Even if the report doesn’t give all information as the identity of the alleged violator, it must be recorded and communicated to the relevant person in the organization team. If the person who faced the attack wants to, a member of the organization team or a person of trust will support her/him and, if needed, help her/him to contact a friend or the police. The person who faced the attack will never be forced to take measures against her/his will. In order to respect her/his privacy, no information will be disseminated.

As far as possible, the report should show :

  • information which allow for the identification of the person at fault
  • the time when the report was made
  • the behavior in breach of the code of conduct
  • the approximative time of the incident
  • the circumstances of the incident
  • your identity
  • other people involved in the incident

Exclusion from an event

The organization team reserves the right to exclude any attendee whatever the reason. Here are some of the general guidelines to help to decide if an attendee has to be excluded (non-exhaustive list):

  • A second incident after a first warning from the organization team
  • Keeping on with an offensive behavior in spite of an order to stop
  • A clear demonstration of harassment, with or without a warning
  • A serious offense

Exclusion from AFUP

The AFUP board reserves the right to end a membership without reimbursement for any member breaching the code of conduct, in accordance with the articles of AFUP.

Public statement

Except for an important reason, the organization team doesn’t have to make a public statement about the behavior of individuals.


If you have any question about this code of conduct, please contact our team :


This code of conduct is published under Commons Zero license and is in public domain. No attribution or license are requested to make it your own.