This talk will explore the evolution of HTTP abstractions. We will take a look
at inetd at the TCP level, CGI and FCGI at the HTTP level, language level
abstractions like Rack for Ruby and WSGI for Python. Finally we will arrive at
the Symfony2 HttpKernelInterface. The PHP community can take many ideas from
Rack. We should be building composable stacks of re-usable middlewares, for better cooperation between open-source projects and cleaner decoupled architectures in large-scale PHP applications.
Learn about unix philosophy, understand where PHP's CGI-like I/O mechanism
($_SERVER, header, echo) comes from, how it can be improved, how the HTTP
boundary allows for truly framework-agnostic code sharing, and discover Stack: an attempt to do just that!
This talk will explore the evolution of HTTP abstractions.
We will take a look at inetd at the TCP level, CGI and FCGI at the HTTP level, language levelabstractions like Rack for Ruby and WSGI for Python. Finally we will arrive at the Symfony2 HttpKernelInterface. The PHP community can take many ideas from Rack. We should be building composable stacks of re-usable middlewares, for better cooperation between open-source projects and cleaner decoupled architectures in large-scale PHP applications.
Learn about unix philosophy, understand where PHP's CGI-like I/O mechanism($_SERVER, header, echo) comes from, how it can be improved, how the HTTPboundary allows for truly framework-agnostic code sharing, and discover Stack: an attempt to do just that!