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AFUP AFUP Day 2025 Baromètre Planète PHP PUFA

A quick start on Zend Framework 2


In this talk we will present a simple web application built with Zend Framework 2. We will show the new features of the framework, such as the new MVC layer, the Event Manager, the Dependency Injection and much more. The aim of this talk is how to start programming with the new architecture of ZF2. Moreover, we will show the differences with the version 1 of the framework and how to migrate applications from ZF1 to ZF2.

Conférence donnée lors du Forum 2012, ayant eu lieu les 05 et 06 juin 2012.

Informations complémentaires


Le speaker


Enrico Zimuel is a Senior PHP Engineer at Zend Technologies and a member of the Zend Framework core team. He's a Software Engineer since 1996 and started to develop in PHP since 1999. He was a research programmer at the Informatics Institute of the University of Amsterdam. He's an international speaker of PHP conferences and author of some computer books in Italy. He holds a B.Sc. (Hons) in Computer Science and Economics from the University "G.D'Annunzio" of Pescara (Italy).


i thought it was a quick and easy start on zf2. i suggest you to show a quick demo with its code before all the theory and architecture. you should also improve the tone of your voice to make this presentation more attractive.
Anonyme, le 06/06/2012
A bit hard to understand how It work but It looks like à great step forward for zf
Bruno CHALOPIN, le 06/06/2012
For someone already using DIC, events..., the first and major part of this talk was not very interesting. Also I think that to make people try the ZF2, you need to make those features more appealing : people don't wake up in the morning with the need of a DIC IMHO. So more examples, more code, more "THAT'S WHY ZF2 ROX", and it would have been perfect. Thank for the insight on ZF2 anyway, I'm not following the development of it but it's always good to know.
Damien Alexandre, le 06/06/2012
I didn't feel like the speaker wanted to show us that he believed in ZF2, and that we should really use it. I missed a bit of passion in this talk. I also think the name of the talk should be "a quick overview" instead of "a quick start". Anyway, it was nice to see some principles and design patterns i love in SF2, being highlighted in ZF2.
Adrien Brault, le 07/06/2012
I agree with people talking of te lack of enthousiasm for ZF2, but the conf explained well how would work ZF2. thanks!
Raphaelle Simonney, le 08/06/2012
like previous messages, the lack of enthousiasm was a bit sad, need more demo with what is now available more easily, anyway the explanation were cool, thanks
jeremie_simonney, le 10/06/2012