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AFUP AFUP Day 2025 Baromètre Planète PHP PUFA

Resurrecting the Dead


Have you ever considered what would happen when a popular open source package gets abandoned ?
Now, what about when that package is one of your essential dependencies ?

This scenario is not some abstract scenario for a far away future. Projects get abandoned every day and your dependency might be next... But you can help!
Come & listen to some tales of an accidental maintainer and learn about what you can do to help try and prevent these situations from getting out of hand.

Conférence donnée lors du Forum PHP 2024, ayant eu lieu les 10 et 11 octobre 2024.

Informations complémentaires


Le speaker


Juliette Reinders Folmer is an opinionated, passionate busy-body with a prolific portfolio of contributions to various high profile open source projects over the years. She is the current maintainer of PHP_CodeSniffer, co-author of PHPCompatibility, initiator of PHPUnit Polyfills and created the PHP Cheatsheets. Juliette regularly speaks at conferences and is always happy to discuss how we can all contribute to changing both the dev-culture as well as our code, to be *better*. Juliette is self-employed and based in the Netherlands.