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AFUP AFUP Day 2025 Baromètre Planète PHP PUFA

Understand your application with metrics


When your PHP code is running on production servers, you’ve got the new challenge, undestand what exactly is going on. From low-level system data like cpu or network usage, to high-level business indicators like logins, user actions or A/B tests, every piece of information matters. With dedicated engine for time-series data you can show useful dashboards for every team, do capacity planning or even monitor your app with anomaly detection algorithms. In this talk I’ll introduce core concepts for data gathering, stacks for processing metrics from PHP application, based on InfluxDB/Graphite, graph frontends, Twitter OSS libraries for getting even more from observed metrics (anomaly and breakout detection)... During this talk you will learn how to create, manage, identify and use important metrics in your PHP application, to be sure that everything is running as expected and how to use them in case of problems.

Conférence donnée lors du Forum PHP 2016, ayant eu lieu les 27 et 28 octobre 2016.

Informations complémentaires


Le speaker

Mariusz GIL

Mariusz Gil is software architect and CTO focused on high performance and scalable web applications. Trainer, consultant and conference speaker. He has been working for several companies on PHP projects for millions of active users, from biggest social network and instant-messaging software in Poland to multi-billion PV content personalization and discovery platform. Mariusz is also member of 4Developers, DDD Now, PHPcon Programme Commitees and one of core members behind PHPers, open meetups for PHP developers in many cities in Poland. Big-data enthusiast and data-sciencist wannabe. After hours, biker and rock guitarist. (part)


I never thought about collecting data from application usage this way. Thanks for an inspiration, I need to try Influx and the rest of the stack/techniques you presented.
Martin V, le 29/10/2016