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AFUP AFUP Day 2025 Baromètre Planète PHP PUFA

RabbitMQ 101 : How to cook the rabbit?


Lots of people need job scheduling, microservices communication, asynchronous message passing… There is a stable and reliable solution: AMQP. Event if it seems to be complicated at first, it can solve lots of problems. RabbitMQ is a stable and battle tested product, has great performance, and provides simple access from C, java, python, ruby, node.js, scala, go… This talk is about rabbitMQ, how to start using it, how to work with it, fundamental and various pattern to use it in real world cases.

Conférence donnée lors du PHP Tour Clermont-Ferrand 2016, ayant eu lieu les 23 et 24 mai 2016.

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Le speaker

Quentin ADAM

Quentin ADAM is the CEO of Clever Cloud : a Platform as a Service company allowing you to run java, scala, ruby, node.js, php, python or go applications, with auto scaling and auto healing features. This position allow him to study lots of applications, code, practice, and extract some talks and advises. Regular speaker at various tech conference, he’s focused to help developers to deliver quickly and happily good applications.


i'm the speaker
Quentin ADAM, le 25/05/2016