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AFUP AFUP Day 2025 Baromètre Planète PHP PUFA

PHP 7 – What changed internally?


One of the main selling points of PHP 7 is greatly improved performance, with many real-world applications now running twice as fast... But where do these improvements come from? At the core of PHP 7 lies an engine rewrite with focus on improving memory usage and performance. This talk provides an overview of the most significant changes, briefly covering everything from data structure changes, over enhancements in the executor, to the new compiler implementation.

Conférence donnée lors du Forum 2015, ayant eu lieu les 23 et 24 novembre 2015.

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Le speaker

Nikita POPOV

Nikita Popov has been contributing to PHP core development since PHP 5.5, implementing a number of features like generators and variadics. He also maintains a PHP parser written in PHP, which forms the basis for various static analysis tools. Nikita is currently studying physics and computer science at the Technical University of Berlin.


La conf est en accord avec son résumé, les slides sont bien construites et l'intervenant maitrise son sujet
Rossignol Guillaume, le 24/11/2015
so educational and interesting. Thanks for all your work Nikita. "we need at least 3 or 5 Nikitas !" :)
Olivier Mansour, le 25/11/2015
Brilliant ! Thx for the talk
Cédric Lécuret, le 25/11/2015
How popularizing a complex subject ....really brillant... a great time ..
Cédric Valcke, le 25/11/2015
Good subject, but very complex and it was hard to pay attention at the time of the talk (5pm).
Anonyme, le 26/11/2015
You rock Nikita... As Rasmus said, we need more Nikitas, 3 would be great, 5 would be awesome !
Olivier Madre, le 26/11/2015
Good talk, clear and well-explained.
William Durand, le 27/11/2015