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AFUP AFUP Day 2025 Baromètre Planète PHP PUFA

Portable PHP


PHP as core technology for web development and more is available on many platforms. Though, despite the high abstraction level, quite some discrepancies can be observed. Those affect both extensions/SAPIs and PHP projects, retaining to be available cross platform. This talk sheds the light onto the interoperability aspect of PHP in questions of platform differences in general (Linux/Windows/etc.) and PHP 7 improvements in 64-bit and thread safety areas.

Conférence donnée lors du Forum 2015, ayant eu lieu les 23 et 24 novembre 2015.

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Le speaker


Anatol is a PHP core developer and a release manager of PHP 7.0. He lays special emphasis to open source development. Contributing to various projects helps him to gather empirical knowledge and to sharpen his skills. He excels on improving the PHP interoperability. In addition he is a PHP QA team member.