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AFUP AFUP Day 2025 Baromètre Planète PHP PUFA

Framework agnostic for the win


We all have our favourite frameworks and tools, and naturally we tend to participate largely within those communities. However, we may be missing some opportunities for cross-pollination of ideas within the larger PHP ecosystem. In this talk I'll show you why The PHP League has made it their mission to write framework agnostic code. Here's a hint: Thanks to the PHP-FIG and Composer, packages are becoming the glue that binds the various PHP communities together. Come learn why everyone wins with framework agnostic code!

Conférence donnée lors du Forum 2015, ayant eu lieu les 23 et 24 novembre 2015.

Informations complémentaires


Le speaker

Jonathan REININK

Jonathan Reinink is a long time front and back-end web developer with a keen interest in PHP. Jonathan runs a small Canadian based web development company called Code Distillery. In recent years Jonathan has transitioned from being a "lone wolf" developer to being much more active in the PHP community. Most notably, Jonathan has contributed two packages to the The PHP League, including Glide (an image manipulation library) and Plates (a native PHP template system). Jonathan has a strong design sense and is an advocate of using good design to help promote technical projects.


I regret that the conf has been mainly a reminder of the history of PHP dependencies (manually downloaded files, PEAR, frameworks, Composer...)
Olivier Philippon, le 24/11/2015
Dommage, c'est resté trop "en surface" et on aurait aimé plus de "retour terrain". Car il suffit de connaitre un peu php-fig pour s'ennuyer durant cette conf :(
Richard, le 25/11/2015
I would love more practical exemples.Based on your experience or not :) thanks for sharing !
Olivier Mansour, le 25/11/2015
Interesting talk, good insights on the PHP ecosystem evolution. Would love a more practical exemple on Glide for instance about what to put in lib repo and what to put in framework integrations repos.
Nicolas Dupont, le 26/11/2015
I was expecting more reasons on "why everyone wins with framework agnostic code", but the talk was more on the history of tools in PHP. It was a great talk, but it wasn't the subject I was expecting to see.
Olivier Madre, le 26/11/2015
I liked the historical approach to the heart of the subject but i also feel like the subject itself didn't get as much love as it needed. Maybe just go faster on the history so you have more time to explain why today the next big step will be to go framework agnostic. Thanks for both your conferences ! PS : the link to the slides seems broken.
Jérémy, le 29/11/2015
Jérémy: Hey thanks, I fixed the slides link. All: Thanks a ton for the feedback. This talk clearly had too much history and not enough practical hands on info. I'll be adjusting for the next time I give it!
Jonathan Reinink, le 30/11/2015