Wez FURLONG Member of the PHPGroup and leader on the PDO extension.
Perrick PENET AFUP President, owner of No Parking and creator of the timesheet software OpenTime.
Damien SEGUY Editor for Direction|PHP and Nexen.net, leader on the french translations for PHP and MySQL.
Cyril PIERRE de GEYER Co-author on the book "PHP 5 advanced", technical manager for Anaska formation and responsible for the websites phpfrance & phpteam.net.
Sessions for the Forum PHP 2005 in Paris
Updated 19th Sept. 2005
A few sessions to look out for during this year's conference :
Functionnal sessions :
PHP 5 by its creator, Rasmus LERDORF
Oveview of PHP Open Source solutions by Cyril PIERRE de GEYER
Case studies from Crédit Agricole and LeMonde.fr
Technical sessions :
PDO, a new database abstraction layer for PHP by Wez FURLONG
XML and WebServices by Eric DASPET, one of the author of the book "PHP 5 advanced"
Ajax tips & techniques and Aspect Oriented Developpement amongst others